Microsoft Excel for Engineers and Scientists - Live Class

Learn to harness Excel's powerful calculation, charting, data, and interface abilities to build problem solving tools. Includes LAMBDA custom function discussion. Class Examples >

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Microsoft Excel for Engineers and Scientists Training

How our class will boost your Excel skills.

Boost Microsoft Excel Training

Our 1-day class shows you the Excel skills needed to assemble a wide variety of problem-solving tools. It covers the basics like how to create formulas; use names and cell references; link data; control cell inputs; use formula logic; and lookup data. It also shows how to build tables, create technical charts, and layout problems and models.

In addition to the basics, it shows how to build technical forms; use key worksheet functions; collate and process data; and solve numerical methods. We also cover how to create illustrations that update automatically and build custom functions using LAMBDA.

Read our detailed outline > below and see what you'll discover in our class.

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Learn about problem / model layout; formula design; cell references and naming; and creating diagrams that auto-update.

Learn to control cell inputs with Data Validation/ActiveX and flag cell values using logic/Conditional Formatting.

Learn to debug your formulas, trace cell calculation sequence, and trace where cell inputs are used in formulas.

Learn to organize data in Excel tables, process data with Excel's data tools, and use key functions that auto filter data.

Learn to use key worksheet functions, table lookups, logic, and Excel table references to perform techincal calculations.

Learn about form construction, worksheet formatting, linking sheets and workbooks, and data consolidation.

Learn to organize chart data; format charts; and create various technical charts, combo charts, and multi-table charts.

Learn to solve numerical methods in Excel and create custom worksheet functions (LAMBDA) to replace cumbersome formulas.

Example1 Example2 Example3 Example4 Example5 Example6 Example7 Example8
  • Problem / model layout; formula design; cell references and naming; and linking sheets
  • Formatting worksheets and using shapes to create technical illustrations
  • Filling formulas in single and two variable tables
  • Using the IF, AND, OR... functions and <, >, =... to make formula decisions
  • Controlling user cell inputs with Data Validation and ActiveX controls
  • How to use Conditional Formatting to flag calculation limits
  • Filtering and storing data in worksheet and Excel tables
  • Using key Excel worksheet functions to perform basic math, trig, statistical, complex, and lookup operations
  • Creating and formatting technical forms on the worksheet
  • Methods to collect and calculate data from multiple worksheets and workbooks
  • How to format and create charts, limit lines, secondary axis, combined charts...
  • Solving numerical methods on the worksheet; how to use Goal Seek and Excel’s iteration feature
  • Using LAMBDA to create custom functions that replace large technical formulas

Key topics we cover in our class.

Microsoft Excel Training Topics

4 ways to train.

Class syllabus.

How we run the class: We focus our training on what our customers need. When training begins, we analyze those needs and shift our training outline appropriately. We will stress topics or add topics that our customers want. No two training sessions are ever the same with EMAGENIT.
Class Borchure PDF

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Problem / Model Layout, Formulas, Logic, and Table Design

Controlling User Inputs, Flagging Cell Values, and Using Shapes to Illustrate

Storing, Filtering, and Calculating Data in Excel Tables

Using Key Worksheet Functions to Solve Problems and Process Data

Creating Technical Forms and Collecting Worksheet Data

Building and Formatting Engineering / Science Charts

Performing Numerical Analysis Methods on the Worksheet

Creating Your Own Custom Worksheet Functions

Additional Class Information

Prerequisites for our Excel training.

Class time, manual, and repeats.

If you need to contact us about our class.

Phone Number: 1.805.498.7162

Business Hours: Mon-Fri 8:00 AM - 7:00 PM CT

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